Álvaro Pedro (o Pedro dos Leitões), was born on March 6, 1903, in Alpalhão, Anadia county.
With 17 years left for Brazil, where he worked as head-chef on a dining car, in a train that linked Brazil and Argentina

He returned to Portugal, and continued in the area, working in several hotels where he perfected his training. In 1941, it acquired its first establishment, which operated with a grocery store and a tavern section, where it sold suckling pig sandwiches as a meal to drivers who were driving on the EN1 at the time. This is where Pedro dos Leitões begins (the first restaurant in the world to sell Bairrada roasted pig).
In 1949 he opened a new restaurant space, in the same place where it is located today. Continuing for several years to be the only Bairrada roasted pig restaurant in Portugal.
In 1982, he formed a partnership with his nephew Carlos Alberto Simões Castela, who later offered a partnership to his sons Sandra, Pedro and Filipe, current managers.
Álvaro Pedro dies on April 12, 1987, aged 84, and leaves the continuity of his work at the hands of his nephew Carlos Alberto, who, in 1996, offers society to their children, Sandra, Pedro and Filipe, who, along with his father, form the current management of the company.
Today, “Pedro dos Leitões” has a capacity of around 430 people, offering a spacious and comfortable for its customers as well as a unique service in the art of restoration and, in particular, its ex-libris, Bairrada roasted pig.
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