by Admin_pdl2015 | Sep 21, 2016 | NEWS - ENG |
Another World distinction award for “Pedro dos Leitões. “Pedro dos Leitões” was awarded the prize “New Millennium Award” in Madrid, for the excellence of its service quality as one of the best restaurants in the world. In this premium compete the...
by Admin_pdl2015 | Sep 21, 2016 | NEWS - ENG |
Receita Alho, banha de Porco, sal grosso e pimenta, previamente escolhidos entre vários lotes possíveis. Segredo O doseamento dos ingredientes, a temperatura do forno e a capacidade do assador. Deve servir-se com batata frita em rodelas, salada de alface e acompanhado...
by Admin_pdl2015 | Sep 21, 2016 | NEWS - ENG |
The Sociedade Hoteleira Pedro dos Leitões, Lda. was awarded the World Certificate of Excellence Trip...
by Admin_pdl2015 | Sep 21, 2016 | NEWS - ENG
O Pedro dos Leitões offers you a space where you can watch all the three great games in the league, Champions League and Uefa Cup on big screen. Come and share this...
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